Saturday, September 14, 2013

Abomination sculpting

This is our newest project. The character is: the Abomination, the incredible Hulk's arch-nemisis. He will join our collection of miniature foam Marvel characters, however he is made in a completely new way. I am sculpting him out of clay and then molding and casting him in silicone rubber, rather than carving him out of craft foam because of his large size. The version of the character in the movie "the Incredible hulk", which is the version I am making, is meant to be about 11 feet tall. The scale we normally use for our mini figures is very roughly a 1:32 scale (this means 1 foot in real life equals 32 miniature feet) so that means my sculpt must be about 4 inches tall. Anyway, I am using a new method because layered craft foam tends to be too tough and stiff for larger character sculpting. But that's enough words for now, here are the sculpting progress pictures.

First some basic shaping; the clay is build up around a wire armature.

Minor shaping of the body is done...

Side view

Detail added to the chest...

Leg and arm shaping...

One hand is complete...

Now the face!

And here he is! This took about one week to do but I am very happy with the results. The next step is to make a plaster mold and cast him with rubber.

Top view

And this picture shows his size in comparison to the normal sized foam characters (middle), the sponge foam Hulk(right) and the work is progress clay Hulk(left). He will be the largest character we have made for this category of creations.

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